Meet the Avalons
Here are the Individuals who have Inspired, Aspired, and Supported Avalon Alchemista and its
Heart-Centered Charitable Family Business Model
to be its Fullest Embodiment Today

MiKha'el Vincent Avalon
Alchemist and Conscious Cosmic Creator
MiKha'el Vincent Avalon has dedicated his Whole Being to the Passion of Formulating, Creating, and Facilitating the Highest-Quality and Integrity Medicine Practice.
He is a Heart-Centered Family Man and Father of Three Beautiful Children.
MiKha'el has traveled the Globe sourcing the highest quality ingredients to formulate life-changing Medicine.
He works with his Angels to Facilitate the Highest Integrity Crystal Networks through charity work that practices
Equality, Transparency, and Philanthropy.
Anna, Orion, and Ariel Avalon
Mothering Avalon
Anna, Ariel, and Orion Avalon hold Major Inspiration in the Formulation of
Avalon Alchemista.
They are located in the
pristine country of Canada.
The Family has received and Held the Prayer in the Name of the Avalon Family.
Anna is an authentic, creative individual that lives in the Magical Mysticism of her Creation. Her Symbol is the Silver Chalice, her number one inspiration is Water, and she embodies the truth of innocence, magic, and fairies.
Orion is a Cosmic Chef, whipping up fun, innocence, and magick in everything he does! He loves the outdoors, and has a strong connection with mushrooms and fairies.
Ariel Whispers Avalon is an inspiration to her whole family. Her whispers can be heard from the bottom of the ocean. Her beauty and innocence brings joy to the universe at large.